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 Welcome to the Beverly Hills Wellness Center!
  "Your Colon Hydrotherapy and Detox Specialist"

   Edgar A. Guess Jr., MD, FACOG
   Medical Director

328 South Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, CA. 90212
(310) 284-8891
(800) 311-9202
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)  


Body Wrapping
Boost Immunity
Cardiovascular Disease
Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonics)
Constipation & Gastrointestinal      Disorders
Detox Programs
Diabetes Management
Fight Cancer
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Infrared Sauna
Massage Therapy
Prostate Care & Virility
Raw Juice Detox
Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine
Weightloss Wellness Programs

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Medical weight loss Program
at the Beverly Hills Wellness Center

HCG Weight loss program
HCG has been used for over 30 years to aid in successful weight control programs.
Since the 1980’s, Dr. Guess uses a modification of the original "Dr. Simeons" HCG program. In conjunction to years of medical experience, Beverly Hills Wellness Center’s proven medical weight loss program has now assisted hundreds of patients’ in loosing 10 pounds to over 100 pounds.

Since we are a wellness center founded by an experienced and awarded doctor, we understand that one weight loss program does not fit all. Once joining the well tailored program, we immediately develop a realistic health plan that will produce realistic results.

Did you know that added body fat increases the risk for many health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, breathing problems, and many other illnesses?

Remember, exercise helps you loose weight. In fact it is very difficult to lose weight without some sort of exercise program.  According to a new study conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins University, the body’s metabolism rapidly decreases back to pre-exercise levels within half an hour after cardio exercise. On the other hand, strength training, also known as resistance training, may result to a more extensive calorie burning for up to two hours following the workout. On top of that, regular weight lifting will increase muscle mass which will help boost a person’s metabolism.

Increasing your Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR) is one the very important factors in your weight loss program.  For optimum health and weight improvement, we recommend combining cardio and strength training for as little as 30 to 60 minutes a day.

Dieting or exercise can sustain weight loss
A person gains weight if he eats more than what his body uses, has little physical activity, or has a low Basic Metabolic Rate resulting in the accumulation of too much body fat. Decreasing your calorie intake may cause you to lose weight fast, but exercising will also help you keep it off for good. On the plus side, exercise has a number of benefits for your body.

Good to Know:  Obesity and its complications
Medical problems commonly resulting from untreated obesity and morbid obesity include:

  • Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
  • High blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke
  • Obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep disorders
  • Certain cancers, including breast and colon
  • Depression
  • OsteoExtreme obesity can lead to a gradual decrease in the level of oxygen in your blood, a condition called hypoxemia. Decreased blood oxygen levels and sleep apnea may cause a person to feel sleepy during the day. These conditions may also lead to high blood pressure and pulmonary hypertension. In extreme cases, especially when left untreated, this can lead to right-sided heart failure and ultimately death.
  • A combination of dieting and exercise (when you stick to it) appears to work better than either one alone. Sticking to a weight reduction program is difficult and requires a lot of support from family and friends.
  • When dieting, your main goal should be to learn new, healthy ways of eating and make them a part of your everyday routine. Work with your doctor and nutritionist to set realistic, safe daily calorie counts that assure both weight loss and good nutrition. Remember that if you drop pounds slowly and steadily, you are more likely to keep them off. Your nutritionist can teach you about healthy food choices, appropriate portion sizes, and new ways to prepare food.
  • Even modest weight loss can improve your health. Most people can lose weight by eating a healthier diet, exercising more, and adopting new behaviors such as keeping a food diary, avoiding food triggers, and thinking positively.
  • The decision to keep fit requires a lifelong commitment of time and effort. Patience is essential. 

Remember to Eat between meals.
Snacks aren’t the reason why you gain weight. Blame it on the calories. In fact, most diet plans advocate eating in small but frequent feedings. This will keep you from going hungry and prevent you from overeating. 

Hydration during you weight loss program. 
Hydration is extremely important during your weight loss program.  In fact it is an absolute must.  65 to 70% of the US population in some state of  Dehydration. What causes dehydration?

Dehydration occurs because there is too much water lost, not enough water taken in, or most often a combination of the two. Sweat: The body can lose significant amounts of water when it tries to cool itself by sweating. Whether the body is hot because of the environment (for example, working in a warm environment), intense exercising in a hot environment, or because a fever is present due to an infection; the body uses a significant amount of water in the form of sweat to cool itself. Depending upon weather conditions, a brisk walk may generate up to 16 ounces of sweat (a pound of water) to allow body cooling, and that water needs to be replaced.

Maintaining hydration.
Ambient water loss.  This type of water loss occurs without a person being aware of water loss.  One loses approximately one liter of water by natural breathing, talking and even while resting.  Your lose water from your lungs, and through your pores.  The millions of pores in your skin are actively expelling water while you rest.  Sweating is a process of cooling the body to maintain it homeostasis. The process is increased with activity such as exercise.  One liter of water is loss when mild to moderate activities e.g. exercise extend over an hour. 

This is why it is so important to consume at least 3 liters of water per day.  That is 12 eight ounce glasses of water every day.   We should emphasize "water", not other liquids.  Many other liquids contribute to dehydration.  Tea, coffee and other liquids actually act as diuretics.